9 Mart 2012 Cuma

Is The Pronunciation Important For Learners and Can it help both Writing and Reading ?

 I choose my question because pronunciation is really important for both writing and reading because of that i want to find more information about this. I believe that pronunciation is really important for learning culture and language.

7 yorum:

  1. In a recent survey at METU NCC (see http://sfltdu.blogspot.com/2012/02/instructors-attitudes-towards.html) all of the English language instructors agreed with you on the importance of pronunciation, but four out of five instructors said that they didn't specifically teach pronunciation because they didn't have time in the syllabus. I believe that part of the pressure to avoid pronunciation comes from the testing system, which doesn't really give much importance to speaking. What do you think?

  2. As a English instructors we teach our students not only the exam but also their future life because they can use English in their future jobs too.To sum up I think teaching them how to pronounce is important more than everything and we cant avoid it. I think we dont need more time than syllabus. We can create more time for our students. Maybe some of instructors think that we cant do it but actually we can. Real question is how ? We can sacrefice ourselves thats not important because we aren't doing this job not only for money but also for our future generations.

    1. What role might technology play in teaching pronunciation? Would it provide ways to deal with this outside of the classroom and still meet the pressures of the syllabus and testing?

  3. To me, it's not helpful as grammar do. Since I don't learn pronouncing such deeply until I began to study at METU, I think it's not necessary. Moreover, language is changing and developing, so we cannot really know if phonetics are stable to teach. However, you can find some information that makes you right.. GL&HF :)

    1. in your way yes knowing grammar is very important but how can you speak without knowing how you can pronunce it.

    2. It depends on what you mean by 'knowing' -- certainly, 'knowing' a language needs a range of abilities, from pronunciation, spelling, register, collocation and lexico-grammatical structures. It also depends on purpose--for some people, it is important to communicate in general settings. For others, like yourselves, it is about using English in an academic context. See http://www.languageandliteracyforall.org/english-learners/what-does-it-mean-to-know-a-word-strategies-for-teaching-vocabulary-to-english-learners/ for another person's idea about what it means to 'know' words.

    3. I think pronunciation is important for learners in terms of reading. To explain, İf they know all of the pronunciation of the words, they can read fluently, if they don't, they stop to find how they can pronounce the word that they couldn't pronounce. On the other hand,I think it is not good for them in terms of writing. For example, when a learner is writing a writing,if s/he does't know how to write the word which s/he doen't know exactly, s/he can write it with its pronunciation. To illustrade, İstead she writes 'pencil', she can write 'pensıl'.
